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October 19, 2005

The People Speak (Shout, Actually) on Brooklyn Arena Project

The NY Times
by Nick Confessore

ESDCDraftHearing.jpg Another BIG revelation about FCRC and "community" groups is buried at the end of the article.

[FCRC Exec. VP Jim] Stuckey was asked to specify which of eight groups that signed a community benefits agreement with Forest City Ratner last June were currently receiving funds from the developer.

He said that Forest City Ratner had also provided $50,000 in seed money to the Downtown Brooklyn Neighborhood Alliance, a group founded by the Rev. Herbert Daughtry, a prominent supporter of the Atlantic Yards project

The Times's piece does a pretty good job of describing the scene at last night's hearing, but they missed the significance of Assembly Member Joan Millman's testimony (see below).

More coverage:
The NY Sun, At Hearing Critics Attack Ratner Project
NY Daily News, SRO crowd takes shots at Nets plan

Posted by lumi at October 19, 2005 8:19 AM