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January 18, 2012

Praise for a Developer

The New York Times, Letters to the Editor

The following letter, which reads like it should rather have been addressed to The Onion, is so completely ludicrous that it's spurred us to dust off an old NoLandGrab feature.

To the Editor:

I disagree with Michael Powell (“A Developer Between Legal Clouds,” Gotham column, Jan. 10) that two bribery investigations with ties to the developer Bruce Ratner and his company, Forest City Ratner, suggest misdeeds on his part.

More important, the professional investigators have not found that the company or its employees behaved in an illegal manner.

While I do agree that we have an unprecedented amount of corruption among elected officials, lobbyists and others, you cannot and should not assume that a developer is guilty of the same behavior because, well, he’s a developer.

As a former New York City public advocate and during many years in public service, I have had the honor to work with Mr. Ratner. He has always demonstrated the highest ethical standards and behavior. As consumer affairs commissioner and as a developer, he has worked to improve the city and help those with greatest needs.

New York, Jan. 11, 2012


5Bruce-BogusPoints.gif"He has always demonstrated the highest ethical standards and behavior?!"

Madame Public "Advocate," you've achieved our highest honor — a full FIVE out of FIVE BOGUS POINTS!

Posted by eric at January 18, 2012 10:14 AM