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October 19, 2011

'Battle For Brooklyn' Filmmaker Speaks Out On Occupy Wall Street

Michael Galinsky discusses parallels between the ongoing protests and the fight over Atlantic Yards.

Park Slope Patch
by Paul Leonard

Historians have long said that those looking to decode the present should get busy consulting the past.

So it goes for Clinton Hill residents Suki Hawley and Michael Galinsky's Atlantic Yards documentary, Battle For Brooklyn, which has grown in stature from a project about the ultimately unsuccessful effort against a massive development to one with renewed relevance in the continuing Occupy Wall Street protests that have spread from Zuccotti Park to Grand Army Plaza and beyond.

"Atlantic Yards represents everything that Occupy Wall Street is mad about," Galinsky said. "The lack of jobs, housing, all of the broken promises."

Indeed, the documentary—which begins a semi-permanent weekly run at Brooklyn Heights Cinema starting tonight at 7 p.m.—and its theme of democratic resistance to the powers-that-be seems to have universal appeal, leading to packed moviehouses from Cleveland to Los Angeles.


Posted by eric at October 19, 2011 10:36 PM