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July 3, 2011

Brooklyn’s 100 Most Embarrassing People Of All Time (That I Can Think Of)

Brooklyn Breeder

Brooklyn Breeder's Allison Pennell brings us a holiday weekend list that features a handful of folks who honed their annoyingness on Atlantic Yards.

Last week, Gothamist came out with its colossal “listicle” of 100 Reasons Why Brooklyn Lives Up To Its Hype. Can’t wait for Queens, btw!

I was inspired and awed. So inspired that I decided to do a Brooklyn 100 of my own.

First I was just going to do famous assholes in honor of learning that Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs was a Brooklyn boy. But that wasn’t going to get me to 100. Not that we’re not at capacity but better to go for a bigger catch all: cringe-inducing, wise-assy, know-it-all-ish, over-compensating, pseudo-intellectual, criminal, schmucky, and/or just plain annoying. Essentially: a list of one hundred people past and present who make Brooklyn so very Brooklyn.

Bruce Ratner Shitty real estate destroyer of Brooklyn neighborhoods. Maybe used to live here, maybe not.

Carl Kruger Hypocritical, outed and thieving State Senator for old-school Brooklyn accused of bribery and money-laundering.

Marty Markowitz Can’t wait for the mayoral campaign! Go Marty! Away.


NoLandGrab: We might be able to come up with a list of Atlantic Yards's 100 Most Embarrassing People of All Time without trying too hard.

Posted by eric at July 3, 2011 7:12 PM