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December 29, 2010

Why I don’t like inclusionary zoning

Market Urbanism
by Stephen Smith

An article critiquing inclusionary zoning pays homage to Bruce C. Ratner.

Finally, I’d like to point out that discussion of “inclusionary zoning” and “affordable housing” suffers from serious framing problems. Like “compassionate conservatism” and “enhanced interrogation techniques,” it’s hard to argue against something with such a nice-sounding name. Sometimes the language and idea of affordability and inclusion is even co-opted by developers using politics to argue for their harebrained eminent domain and massive public subsidy schemes – Atlantic Yards developer Bruce Ratner won ACORN’s support for the project by giving them millions and the right to manage the affordable housing units that were to be constructed.


Posted by eric at December 29, 2010 10:22 AM