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September 22, 2009

"ACORN is a corrupt organization that had its silence bought by Ratner"

Reason Hit & Run
by Damon W. Root

A Patti Hagan quote becomes the headline for Hit & Run's blog post.

Don't let the videotapes fool you, the controversial community organizing outfit ACORN is about so much more than a few tax evasion and prostitution scandals. They're also apparently happy to cash in on corporate welfare and eminent domain abuse. As the New York Post's Rich Calder reports, ACORN is deeply entwined with real estate tycoon Bruce Ratner and his controversial Atlantic Yards development project in Brooklyn, New York.

Ratner also happens to own the New Jersey Nets, who will move to Brooklyn if Ratner builds the taxpayer-funded basketball arena that's the centerpiece of the Atlantic Yards project. So don't let anybody tell you that ACORN doesn't have friends in high places.


Posted by eric at September 22, 2009 11:45 AM