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August 25, 2009
The Carlton Avenue Bridge closure will be at least three years (until January 2011), and likely much longer
Atlantic Yards Report
Because Forest City Ratner's predictions and promises historically defy logic and reality, watchdogs have been trying to get a realistic reopening date for the Carlton Avenue bridge.
Today's scoop and analysis comes from a Freedom of Information request made by Develop Don't Destroy Brooklyn, which the group shared with Norman Oder:
Newly-discovered details about plans for Carlton Avenue bridge confirm that the demolition and reconstruction not only will take longer than the officially announced two years, it will take at least three years and likely much longer.
The bridge, which connects Pacific Street to Atlantic Avenue and thus Prospect Heights to Fort Greene, closed in January 2008. In January of this year, the Department of Transportation (DOT) said the work "is scheduled for completion January 2010." Now DOT has quietly advanced the official opening date (above) to January 2011--three years after closure.
But there's ample reason to believe that the reopening would be delayed even more, possibly until mid-2012, as I explain below. Notably Forest City Ratner is proceeding in three stages, a far slower sequence than that disclosed in the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS).
On Sunday, I contacted two DOT spokesmen for an update, but have not gotten a response.
[Photo, Tracy Collins, via flickr Atlantic Yards Photo Pool]
Posted by lumi at August 25, 2009 5:52 AM