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June 10, 2009

Brooklynites call foul on new designs for Atlantic Yards arena project

NY Daily News reporters Ben Chapman and Jotham Sederstrom got the man-on-the-street reaction to the new designs for Bruce Ratner's Atlantic Yards arena and not all are negative:

Airplane hangar aesthetic

"It looks like an airplane hangar from the '50s - not a good look," said Joe Voden, 40, of Prospect Heights, a supporter of the $4.2 billion project who opposes the new design.

Gehry, not!
One reaction to Ratner's contention that the Frank "Gehry designs would be used as a 'blueprint' for the new arena":

"These are obviously two very different designs," said Soffer, 32, who bought a condo nearby. "We've been duped."


"It looks like a barn that should have horses and cows out front," cracked Karp, 62, a supporter of the project. "It looks like something you would see when driving upstate."

The big box arena

"It looks a little like a Home Depot," said Taylor, 19. "It's not as extravagant as I thought it would be."

[Garbage] in, [garbage] out

"The entirety of the design is dull," said Levy, 34, who is opposed to the Yards project. "It's suburban. We have [garbage] here now and in the future we're going to have [garbage]."

There's no place like home

"I like the new design better," said a 27-year-old Prospect Heights bartender who grew up in Eastern Europe and gave only her first name, Izabel. "It reminds me of a train station back at home in Poland."


Posted by lumi at June 10, 2009 6:42 AM