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September 28, 2008

Build, baby build! AY is Marty's ANWR

According to Borough President Marty Markowitz, as reported by Steven Witt in this week's Courier-Life:

"The recent drop in the stock market and the weakening of the American economy underscores the importance of moving ahead with projects like Atlantic Yards."

No matter what is happening in the world around us, guys like Marty handily turn it into a reason to build Atlantic Yards:

If the economy is tanking, we must build it now for the jobs (despite the fact that there's no real timetable and a scarcity of government subsidies).

If the economy is booming and housing prices are soaring, we must build it now for the affordable housing (despite the fact that there's no real timetable and a scarcity of government subsidies).

If Brooklyn's infrastructure is overloaded and outdated, we must build it now as a catalyst for reinvestment in local infrastructure (despite the fact... well you get the idea).

If the cost of oil reaches historic highs, we must build it now to create the densest residential community in the nation around a busy transportation hub.

If Brooklyn is on top, we must build it now, because what major city doesn't have a professional sports team as its crown jewel.

If Brooklyn's brand starts waning, then we must build it now, because it was the lack of professional sports that ruined it in the first place.

Build, baby build!

And in the meantime, Markowitz will gladly accept more six-figure checks from Atlantic Yards developer Bruce Ratner for his summer concert series.

Does this remind anyone else of how the Bush administration spun its wheels for the past eight years searching for any justification for drilling for oil in ANWR?

Posted by lumi at September 28, 2008 9:39 AM