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March 24, 2008

Forest City in the News

Rocky Mountain News, Forest City pre-leasing office building

Forest City Stapleton announced today it will begin pre-leasing a five-story office building to be constructed Martin Luther King Boulevard and Syracuse Street.

“This office building will further Stapleton’s reputation as one of the nation’s premier sustainable communities in which tenants enjoy working in quality, energy-efficient offices within walking distance of homes priced to be affordable to everyone from the CEO to the receptionist,” David Ditchman, director of lesing an business development for Forest City Stapleton said in a statement.

Cleveland Plain Dealer, Forest City says it can connect Medical Mart with convention center through Tower City Cinemas

Forest City executives think they have found a way to alleviate a major strike against their proposal for Cleveland's new Convention Center-Medical Mart complex.

The company says it can directly connect a Medical Mart in the old Higbee Building with a riverfront convention center by offering at least a portion of Tower City Cinemas. Previous proposals mentioned a connection through Tower City's mall.

Yale Daily News, Parking, chiller plant slated for Science Park

Recently, notices have been passed around to the Yale staff that many Yale offices will move to the Science Park area.

Forest City Enterprises currently plans to redevelop the former Winchester Repeating Arms Co. factory into a residential and office complex. But the company originally pitched it as a site for biotechnical development.

DALLAS, TX Dallas Morning News, Developer plans 'topping out' party for Element apartment complex

The developer of the Element apartment complex in downtown Dallas will hold a "topping out" ceremony to mark the hoisting of the last beam to the 15th floor.

Topping outs are more common in Europe but have caught on here, too. The Element's event will take place at 11 a.m. Tuesday at 1800 Main St. just east of the old Mercantile National Bank tower.
Forest City plans to raise a white-painted steel beam signed by everyone involved with the project and to unfurl the U.S. and Texas flags at the top, if it's not too windy, Mr. Hughes said.

Afterward, the company will host a barbecue lunch for about 500 of its workers to celebrate the construction milestone, he said.

The Cleveland-based company does this for its new construction nationwide – a symbolic effort as well as a way of thanking workers.

Posted by lumi at March 24, 2008 4:21 AM