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December 9, 2007
The Twelve Days of Christmas - DAY TEN
Six Meat Buffet
You may remember playing classic Monopoly as a youngster. Sure the games took forever, but remember the fun you had buying property, setting up houses and hotels? Remember the pride you took in actually owning property and protecting that property from interlopers?Well, in the new Monopoly Eminent Domain Edition, you can take as much pride in your property as you want, but remember - in today’s version, that property is temporary. Thanks to SCOTUS’ Kelo decision, this new game version reflects the new American reality that, as long as a developer wants your land and government wants more tax revenue, your property can taken on a whim, and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it!
NoLandGrab: Click on the link for more land grab fun!
Posted by amy at December 9, 2007 10:18 AM