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July 8, 2007

AY a notable omission in accounts of the Brooklyn blogging boom

Atlantic Yards Report talks about how we got dissed by the Times, Courier-Life and Brooklyn!!!, the tabloid produced by the office of Borough President Marty Markowitz:

But it was curious, though not surprising given the sources, that three recent articles mentioning the Blogfest and the Brooklyn blogging boom, including the cover story in today's New York Times City section, ignored Atlantic Yards, notably this web site and No Land Grab.
It's kind of strange that the Times would omit Atlantic Yards; after all, the newspaper ran an article on the front of the Metro section in April 2006, describing AY as "the first large-scale urban real estate venture in New York City where opposition has coalesced most visibly in the blogosphere." (The account of the Blogfest on the Times blog did mention Atlantic Yards.)


Posted by amy at July 8, 2007 10:59 AM