« BREAKING CurbedWire: Atlantic Yards Building Partial Collapse | Main | Ward's Bakery Parapet Collapses As Demo Starts »
April 26, 2007
Daily Collapse
"Roadway Collapse" yesterday, "Building Collapse" today...
...shame on you Bruce Ratner.
Also, we'd like to send shout outs to Atlantic Yards Development Group President James P. Stuckey, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, Governor Eliot Spitzer, the entire cast of "The Atlantic Yards Community Liaison Office" (currently running on 6th Ave), Community Benefits Agreement Environmental Compliance Czar Delia Hunley-Adossa, and "Joey From Cobble Hill" DePlasco, whom we expect to hear from shortly.
Posted by lumi at April 26, 2007 12:00 PM