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December 27, 2006

Council of Brooklyn Neighborhoods Asks: “Hey, NYS Assembly: SHOW US THE MONEY!”

Some folks just don’t pay their bills or honor their commitments.

The Council of Brooklyn Neighborhoods in early 2006 was told by the New York State Assembly that they would provide CBN with $100,000 to be used for the community expert review of the Atlantic Yards Environmental Impact Statement. Based on these assurances CBN contracted a large team of environmental consultants and produced a highly praised independent analysis that is being used by officials in evaluating the Atlantic Yards proposal. One problem…the Assembly money has “disappeared.”

What happened?

Outgoing Assemblyman and early Atlantic Yards supporter Roger Green twice blocked the money, and twice after meeting with CBN members who addressed his concerns he agreed to remove his freeze. CBN would really like an accounting of where that money has gone and why.

“Public money was promised three times for a community review of this EIS. The community deserves to know what happened to that money. We hope the media and all government officials will insure these questions are answered. We aren’t going to let this drop without an accounting,” said James Vogel, spokesman for CBN.

It’s just so easy to skip paying bills during the holidays, especially if you’re the government!

The COUNCIL OF BROOKLYN NEIGHBORHOODS (www.cbrooklynneighborhoods.homestead.com) is a coalition of recognized diverse community groups active in Community Boards 2, 3, 6, and 8. CBN is comprised of 40 community organizations that have joined together to ensure meaningful community participation in the environmental review of the proposed Atlantic Yards development in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn.

Council of Brooklyn Neighborhoods
201 Dekalb Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11205
718-408-3219 Office

cbrooklynneighborhoods@hotmail.com www.cbrooklynneighborhoods.homestead.com

Posted by lumi at December 27, 2006 7:19 PM