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December 12, 2006

Lehrer on Gargano: "classic political evasiveness"

Atlantic Yards Report does play-by-play of Brian Lehrer's re-examination of statements regarding eminent domain made by Empire State Development Corporation head Charles Gargano.

Empire State Development Corporation (ESDC) Chairman Charles Gargano's halting and evasive locutions on the Brian Lehrer Show last Thursday prompted Lehrer yesterday to revisit the episode--and the Atlantic Yards development in general.

Lehrer called Gargano's performance "classic political evasiveness." Still, neither he nor guest Matthew Schuerman, who covers real estate and development for the New York Observer, had much encouraging to say to Atlantic Yards opponents who hope that the project is stalled until the administration of incoming Governor Eliot Spitzer, who supports the project.


NoLandGrab: The entire affair leads us to wonder why, if the project is so great for Brooklyn, do the main players have to resort to "classic political evasiveness?"

Posted by lumi at December 12, 2006 9:55 AM