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December 3, 2006

Hi, ho Silver!


NY Daily News
Mike Lupica, unlike some other journalists we know but are too polite to mention (see entry below), does his homework, figuring out the poltical intrigue of Atlantic Yards:

Shelly Silver can be the one to stop this between now and the end of the year, tell Ratner to bring the project back to him in miniature, not as something that eats up neighborhoods and homes in the name of Ratner. After that they can all let the new governor decide. All Silver has to do is use the same principles he did in standing in there against the West Side Stadium, another place where big politicians and big developers used sports as a shield.

If this was only about basketball, Ratner would have torn down his shopping mall in that neighborhood, the Atlantic Center Mall, something with the charm of Alcatraz, and built his basketball arena there. Instead, he builds more towers on top of that, three more, making it 19 for the neighborhood, not 16. The guy walks in and buys Brooklyn and nobody stops him.

Shelly Silver can stop him and should stop him.


Posted by amy at December 3, 2006 12:09 PM