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November 6, 2006

It came from the Blogosphere...

Blogosphere05.jpgManhattan Real Estate Report, Artists weigh in on Brooklyn's changing real estate
On the two art exhibits covering Atlantic Yards:

They should call it Art-lantic Yards.

Left Behinds, Going to the well once too often
The local-news-and-politics blog posted running commentary on The Brooklyn Papers article on the IRS crackdown on Payments in Lieu of Taxes and what it could mean for Bruce Ratner's Atlantic Yards. (PG-13)

Streets Blog, Transit-Oriented Development Forum
The transpo- and liveable-city blog dubs the Atlantic Yards Report blogger, "Norman 'The Human Tape Reco’der' Oder," and sends readers to Oder's account of the TOD forum. Almost as interesting as the forum is a point made in the comments section:

They key thing is street-oriented development, designed to blend into the city and be friendly and accessible to pedestrians. But that’s much harder than just putting something next to a train station.

New Market Machines, NMM The Running-Dog Rentier
NMM sends readers to Atlantic Yards Report, which the writer calls, "simply one of the best one-note samba public policy blogs I know of."

After a bit of contemplation about rising rents in his neighborhood, NMM envisions what he would do when locked out of his apartment in a post-Atlantic Yards world:

Sit on my stoop and play Tetris until the batteries run out, I guess. And blog about how miserable I am, and how short-sighted I was to hitch my wagon to Bruce Ratner, billionaire basketball humanist.

Property Grunt, The politics are dancing
One real estate blogger jumps the gun on the effect that Atlantic Yards critics are having on "Visionary" Bruce Ratner, though he makes a good point about local politics:

Bloomberg has displayed how politics can be used to encourage development and Bruce Ratner is an example of how even a man of his stature can be reigned in by those who have only their voices to fight with. Whether you are a developer or a just a homeowner, it is imperative to be aware of the politics of your neighborhood since it will either benefit or destroy your project.

Posted by lumi at November 6, 2006 11:54 AM