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October 8, 2006

Welcome to the Atlantic Yards Blog

David's Atlantic Yards Blog

In the month and a half since I covered this beat I have experienced divisive opinions between different groups of people who feel so strongly passionate about this project, pro and con. There are people who feel very strongly about Atlantic Yards changing the character of their neighborhoods, and there are those who see this as an opportunity for more jobs and affordable housing. AY is a David vs. Goliath story between the little guy, the big real estate developer and government. How it all turns out remains to be certain.

As someone who is not from those neighborhoods but has been a longtime Brooklynite, I am totally neutral over this issue. I think that's a good attitude as a reporter because it won't cloud about how I feel. I think both sides make valid arguments but I can definitely step back and look at things with a slightly more objective viewpoint (although absolute objectivity is impossible).


NoLandGrab: Atlantic Yards blogs are like stores on Smith Street lately - a new one every day. Welcome to the neighborhood!

Posted by amy at October 8, 2006 1:45 AM