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October 25, 2006

ESDC says FCR's timetable isn't accurate; still, Nov. 2 may be Final EIS deadline

Breaking news from Atlantic Yards Report is no news.

Spokeswoman Jessica Copen contacted me to say, "We haven't scheduled any special meetings for November. We're working towards finalizing the Final Environmental Impact Statement as soon as possible, within the statutory timeframe."

Read Norman Oder's post for an explanation of "statutory timeframe."


NoLandGrab: Was Forest City Ratner blowing smoke when they handed out their timeline at Monday evening's neighborhood meeting (see "The Speedy FEIS?")? Or is the ESDC's Copen the one with the spin moves? State law would appear to indicate that the FEIS would need to be complete by early November, though on the other hand, it could allow for more time.

Posted by lumi at October 25, 2006 11:23 AM