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October 24, 2006

Atlantic Yards/NY Times "Voices"

Another DailyHeights food fight has broken out over this weekend's NY Times article, which featured opinions from surrounding neighborhoods on Atlantic Yards.

BrookFetish pointed out:

Not one person from Prospect Heights was interviewed.

Jack Krohn countered:

Lumi Rolley, a major force behind NoLandGrab, doesn't live in Prospect Heights, either, but her views are often taken seriously.

Unlike Ms. Rolley, I DO live in Prospect Heights and I support the Atlantic Yards.


NoLandGrab; Unlike Mr. Krohn, Ms. Rolley wasn't aware that one had to live in Prospect Heights to be concerned about the taking of people's property for a mammoth private development project. Our apologies.

Posted by lumi at October 24, 2006 8:52 AM