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October 21, 2006
An Ecumenical Roof-Raising
Brooklyn Downtown Star
Medi Blum
Atlantic Yards got some play at last week's interfaith prayer rally against the Iraq war at Brown Memorial Baptist Church in Fort Greene:
Reverend Miller included in the wrongs being done to Brooklyn the growing tide of gentrification and the resultant diminishing of ethnic and racial diversity and the displacement of state and local funding to profit big business.Delivering as an aside perhaps the most controversial comment of the night, Reverend Miller, who is the president of the Concerned Citizens Committee and a member of the Downtown Brooklyn Leadership Coalition-two organizations which oppose Bruce Ratner's Atlantic Yards plans-linked the no-bid, Halliburton contracts in Iraq with the seemingly no-bid "land invasion" occurring "right here in downtown Brooklyn."
Posted by amy at October 21, 2006 8:09 AM