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August 3, 2006
Spitzer Reaches For Pataki's Shovel?
Brooklyn Downtown Star
By Norman Oder
A queue of politicians formed this last week to decry the timing of the release of the DEIS and the relatively short comment period, except for Bruce Ratner's Cheerleader-in-Chief, Marty Markowitz:
Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz, a strong supporter of the Atlantic Yards plan, defended the ESDC's timetable: "Extending the public-comment period to 66 days - more than double the required 30 for a DEIS - and holding two open public sessions, including one in September, instead of the required one," he reasoned, "represents a fair attempt by ESDC to address the concerns of some in the community regarding a summer hearing."
NoLandGrab: Marty appears to have lost all connection with - and all sympathy for - the residents of the exisiting neighborhoods.
Also, the first "open public session" is a "hearing." It still isn't clear that the second "open public session" would be entered in "the record," which would pretty much make it an unofficial vent-fest Ratner Rantapalooza???
Posted by lumi at August 3, 2006 8:34 AM