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February 24, 2006

Zoning stasis (for 45 years), the local downzoning push, and the Atlantic Yards bypass


Zoning regulations in New York City have been neglected for decades. One result is that residents find their historic neighborhoods miscast, when new "as-of-right" development is incongurous with the rest of the neighborhood.

This has led to a move to downzone neighborhoods like South Park Slope, Bensonhurst and Bay Ridge. Next up for consideration is Fort Greene.

How does this affect Bruce Ratner's plans to build Atlantic Yards? Not at all, since New York State is overriding local zoning. But remember, the density in Ratner's plan will have an effect on surrounding neighborhoods.

Looking on the bright side:

"Brooklyn has been complacent," observed architectural historian Andrew Dolkart, who noted that the last sizable historic district in Brooklyn was established in 1982. "If nothing else good comes out of Atlantic Yards," he said, "it will be that people have woken up to the fact" that they must much more closely consider the built environment.


Posted by lumi at February 24, 2006 8:34 AM