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February 20, 2006

Nets foes foul out

Daily News declares war on Prospect Heights in a no holds barred 'ask not what Ratner can do for you, but what you can do for Ratner' editorial:

Sticking to the law rather than politics, Edmead said the development's opponents "have failed to allege a single valid deficiency" in the way state officials analyzed the danger posed by crumbling buildings, some of which have asbestos contamination. So out went the entire case except for a rather technical claim of a conflict that arises from the fact that an environmental lawyer working for the state agency overseeing the project once worked for Forest City.

The happy result is that the developer has moved a giant step closer to beginning the demolitions that are necessary for this vital $3.5 billion development. Let the bulldozing begin.


Posted by amy at February 20, 2006 12:54 PM