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February 6, 2006
Firm says past displays commitment, strength
The Sayerville Suburban
By Michael Acker
Forest City Enterprises' (FCE) sales pitch in Sayerville, NJ for a new mixed-use development, featuring a minor league ballpark, includes collaboration and good corporate citizenship.
“We came here tonight with our vision,” [FCE Executive Vice President David] Levey said. “It is collaborative. Some things you will love, some things you will not love.”
“You look at a company like ours,” Levey said, “and the new stuff looks really good, but look at what we did 40 years ago.
“Do not just talk to community leaders. Find out how we have been as citizens of the community. We are long term.”
NoLandGrab: The question is does one hold the parent company responsible for the actions of its subsidiary, Forest City Ratner, which clearly does not fit the description above?
Posted by lumi at February 6, 2006 9:48 AM