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November 4, 2005

House Vote Counters Eminent Domain Measure

AP, via CNN
by Jim Abrams

Contending that the Supreme Court has undermined a pillar of American society, the sanctity of the home, the House overwhelmingly approved a bill Thursday to block the court-approved seizure of private property for use by developers.

The bill, passed 376-38, would withhold federal money from state and local governments that use powers of eminent domain to force businesses and homeowners to give up their property for commercial uses.


NoLandGrab: Let's be clear, this House bill imposes meaningful restrictions in the situations like New London's Ft. Trumbull neighborhood, not Ratnerville.

Ratner has been hedging his bet since he first announced the project, claiming both that the neighborhood is BLIGHTED and that the plan is necessary to increase the tax base of the City and State. The tide has turned on the argument that economic revitalization is a "public use" — Ratner and Marty have long since moved on to Plan B (blight).

The House's vote is only a half measure, as citizens in many states like NY will find that their State's definition of blight is big enough to drive a truck through.

Posted by lumi at November 4, 2005 7:45 AM