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November 16, 2005

Darnell Canada (aka Kennedy) is back with the Rat Pack

A year and a half after Darnell Canada made waves by being the first community activist to point out that BUILD "members were seeking financial gain, rather than giving the interests of the public the proper attention," (Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 03/26/04), he has rejoined the groups supporting Ratner's Commmunity Benefits Agreement with his group, REBUILD!

According to a press release from Terrie Williams, a New Jersey-based PR agency hired by Ratner to spread the good news of the Community Benefits Agreement, REBUILD, "is primarily dedicated to assisting men who have recently been released from incarceration and are transitioning back into the community and workforce."

Look for Kennedy/Canada to stump for Ratner in public events like today's Fordham Law School Eminent Domain Forum.

On a lighter note, sources say that members of NoLandGrab have recently broken away to form a splinter group called YesLandGrab and are awaiting a call from Ratner.

Posted by lumi at November 16, 2005 8:07 AM