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November 7, 2005

A Call for Narrative

The Brooklyn Rail
by Brian Carreira

Brooklyn StandardThe next installment in the Rail's series on the Atlantic Yards fight calls upon the press to define the narrative, that is, a narrative other than the one offered by Ratner's PR machine.

Since its announcement, the Atlantic Yards, like the aesthetic of the architect responsible for its goofy facades, has always been about style over substance.

A relentless, unscrupulous public relations campaign on the part of the developer was met with a local media willing to pass along practically unedited Forest City PR and mindlessly broadcast each and every headline without properly considering its place in the overall narrative.

As an example, Carreira looks at the history of Ratner's "historical" Community Benefits Agreement and posits:

It is clear that the issues discussed in the CBA are present because Forest City wanted them there to sustain its promotional claims.


Posted by lumi at November 7, 2005 9:34 AM