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October 5, 2005

"Some Guy's Idea": MTA Chairman Peter Kalikow Creates Existential Crisis -- Resolves with Cronyism

The Brooklyn Rail
by Brian Carreira

MTAalice.jpg"Curiouser and curiouser."

Carreira's latest update takes us back to the surreal happenings of Ratner's Adventures in Wonderland and the September 14th MTA Board meeting:

Knowing that a decision had already been reached attendees were freed of the usual restraints of topicality, accuracy, or advocacy.

The details of Forest City Ratner's "doubled deal" still remain opaque, but the possibility of a taxpayer funded feedback loop looms.

The money might be “real cash,” but a substantial portion will likely come from the taxpayer’s pocket to feed a taxpayer-funded agency, with Forest Citysimply giving it a good wash along the way.


Posted by lumi at October 5, 2005 10:58 PM