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September 6, 2005

Independent Budget Office releases analysis of Atlantic Yards and solicits comments

NOTICE FROM Independent Budget Office (IBO)

The IBO has done an analysis of the fiscal returns from proposed city and state subsidies for the Atlantic Yards project. Our findings: a modest fiscal surplus for the city over 30 years, and somewhat more for the state.

This new fiscal brief is available on IBO's Web site at www.ibo.nyc.ny.us/iboreports/atlyards_fbsept2005.pdf. To receive printed versions of this or any other IBO publication, e-mail ibo@ibo.nyc.ny.us or call (212) 442-0632. IBO also encourages you to forward this e-mail to friends or colleagues who may be interested in its contents.

IBO welcomes your comments and questions about this report. To send us your thoughts, send an e-mail to us at ibo@ibo.nyc.ny.us.

Doug Turetsky
Chief of Staff/Communications Director
NYC Independent Budget Office
110 William Street, New York, NY 10038
Phone: 212-442-0629/Cell: 917-513-7488

Posted by lumi at September 6, 2005 6:41 PM