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August 6, 2005



The Brooklyn Papers covers the story NoLandGrab broke for you this week:

An attempt by real estate mogul Bruce Ratner to curry favor among local artists for his plan to build a basketball arena, skyscrapers and apartment high-rises in Prospect Heights backfired this week when an arts group not only turned down the offer of free publicity in his bimonthly Brooklyn Standard but then went on the Internet to slam both the Atlantic Yards developer and his publication.

“The Brooklyn Standard is [Forest City Ratner’s] promotional tool, posing as a community newspaper,” said Mark Elijah Rosenberg, artistic director of Rooftop Films, a Park Slope-based organization that screens independent movies throughout the summer at outdoor sites around Brooklyn.

“The purpose of the publication is to promote the Atlantic Yards project by creating the impression that the community — including arts groups like Rooftop Films — are in support of the project,” Rosenberg told The Brooklyn Papers

Which, he said, they are not.

NoLandGrab coverage
Come see the films that are too good for a Rat

Posted by amy at August 6, 2005 11:25 AM